Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Wearing o' the green


So... when the weatherman said it was going to be warm today I didn't really put a lot of thought into it, I was just so excited to start riding to work again.  It's only 11 km for me to get there, but it's been so darn cold and snowy this winter, I haven't been riding outdoors since late fall. (except for that warm weak in Tucson)

I got everything ready last night and set my alarm a few minutes earlier to allow enough time... woke up, jumped on the bike and off I went.

Holy Leprechaun... I forgot one thing!  The weatherman was right, it eventually did warm up to 19 degrees (66F), but one small detail... I left for work at 4:30am.... it was COLD!!!!!!

Luckily I had thrown my hat in my pocket at the last minute, but boy was I unprepared. For Christmas this year I got all kinds of handy dandy warm weather bike gear -today would have been an opportunity to use it. I was so cold biking to work... it was like climbing Mt. Lemmon all over again.

So.... I'll be on my bike again early tomorrow, but this time better prepared. I've already put the toe warmers on my shoes & I'll be dressed in a lot more layers, with my arm warmers and gloves.  Guess I should also be paying more attention to the frost on the grass...

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