Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Tour de Cure

So I signed up today to ride the 100 mile event at the Tour de Cure on June 14th in Brighton, Michigan. I was planning on doing the Motor City Triathlon that day, but Tour de Cure is a great opportunity to raise some money for the American Diabetes Association. You can view my Tour de Cure page here.

The only thing about doing a fundraising event in the US is that any donations my friends or family make aren't tax deductible here. Too bad there wasn't a way to link the donations through the Canadian Diabetes Association - somebody should look into that.

I'm hoping we start getting some stable weather around here soon so I can get in some solid outdoor training. I met up with a group of local cyclists for a morning ride last Saturday. Once again, I was tricked by the sunshine and forgot to actually check the forecast. Underdressed seems to be a common theme for me lately. Thankfully I was offered a pair of women's gloves - which I eagerly accepted. We had a great ride and stopped for coffee at Tim Horton's back in Essex. I look forward to heading out more regularly with this group - it sure beats training alone.

Today's ride was a little on the windy wild side, but at least it's warming up. Is there really snow predicted again for next Tuesday? That's got to be an April Fool's Day joke. There's a large group of cyclists that does an annual Good Friday ride from the Running Factory out to Amherstburg and back. It's a nice 100km ride, so I'm crossing my fingers there won't be rain.

If you get a chance... please check out my Tour de Cure page... even a few dollars would help me reach my fundraising goal.


  1. Hi Saci,

    I was looking for motivational stories for my next blog on triathlon training with diabetes and came across your blog. Great job! Keep up the good work, as the ironman slogan says "ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!"

    I also would like to invite you to have a read at my blog on tri-training with diabetes.


  2. thanks Vinnie - I'll check it out!
